In 2024, ILaED.org was privileged to collaborate with various institutions to help a number of women achieve economic independence. It started with a training workshop around world Intellectual property day on Technology and Traditional Knowledge, co-organized with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau. This was followed by further teaching, training and mentoring on how to make environmentally friendly basket bags and tailoring products, as well as marketing, all organized in partnership with Handywomen Skills Training Centre and Kampala Capital City Authority.
The outcomes for the women include: acquisition of or improved skills and innovation, production of environmentally friendly bags and tailoring products, employment and income generation. But challenges remain.
Manpower: There is a shortage of skilled trainers and mentors
Funding: to provide trainers and mentors, as well equipment to improve skills in weaving, tailoring, crocheting and knitting, all of which require funding.
That’s why we are calling for help to change a life of a woman we care about.
Call for help:
1. Volunteer to provide training or mentoring.
2. Share about our work in your networks
3. Fund – any contribution makes a difference:
a) fund a woman to attend the upcoming URSB/ILaED.org training workshop on the World Intellectual Property Day in April 2025
b) fund women SACCO to get a certification mark
c) fund a facilitator to provide training or mentoring to a woman
d) help a women group get equipment to improve skills in weaving, tailoring, crocheting and knitting
If you wish to financially support a woman, please make a contribution through the Bank or PayPal here https://www.ilaed.org/membership.
Sincere wishes for prosperous year 2025, from the various women we care about, the ILaED.org team and all our collaborators.