Susan Isiko Štrba, Leveraging Capacity Building and Technology Transfer under TRIPS for Online Teaching in Africa
COVID-19 caused a number of learning institutions, especially in the developing world, to come to a stand still. On the other hand, developing countries faithfully domesticated international Intellectual Property (IP) standards in an effort to become compliant with the international law they agreed to. The World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS), similar to the international IP instruments governed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), offers limitations and exceptions (L&Es) as a lawful way to use IP protected works. Thus most national laws in developing countries provide for limitations and exceptions (L&E) for teaching. A WIPO Study on Limitations and Exceptions for Copyright and Related Rights for Teaching in Africa, shows that legislation does provide for face-to-face and to some extent long distance teaching, but not online teaching. More here: Leveraging Capacity Building and Technology Transfer under TRIPS for Online Teaching in Africa