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Susan Isiko Strba, The Marrakesh Treaty, Public–Private Partnerships, and Access to Copyrighted Works by Visually Impaired Persons. In M. Chon, P. Roffe, & A. Abdel-Latif (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Public-Private Partnerships, Intellectual Property Governance, and Sustainable Development (pp. 176-198)


Publisher: Cambridge University Press




The WIPO Accessible Books Consortium (ABC) Public-Private Partnership (PPP) provides some models for technical assistance and capacity building both in publishing and use of accessible formats. It draws attention to some of the challenges to the use of these accessible formats, which will not be solved by the legal platform of Marrakesh Treaty or other legal means, but rather by policy initiatives and the intentional collaboration of publishers of accessible formats with other stakeholders. But since the ABC’s Trusted Intermediary Global Accessible Resources (TIGAR) is based on a private licensing model, the publishers’ interests may drive the direction of the PPP, limiting the wide dissemination of information and learning material, which makes public law frameworks, in this case the Marrakesh Treaty, important in providing clear public policy goals for the various stakeholders operating within PPPs.


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